Thursday, March 17, 2011


“Have courage to exercise your own understanding! – that is the motto of enlightenment.”
-        Kant, Immanuel.
“Sustainability is in many ways the ultimate test of development efforts. It requires not only that a project be successful in achieving its objectives during the project life but also that the benefits it generates continue beyond the time of the donor’s involvement – the durability of success.”
-        (Sustainability in Development Programmes, DAC Expert Group on Aid Evaluation.)
“Participatory approaches have gained a new legitimacy: even some would say orthodoxy. Success has conferred respectability: what was radical yesterday has become conventional today. For better or for worse, Participation in development is in process of becoming institutionalized.”
-        (Who changes? Institutionalizing participation in Development, J. Blackburn with J. Holland)

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Written By :  Ps. Nagendra K. Prem Rai   (B. Th., M. A.)
All rights reserved with author.    c 2011




CHAPTER / Titles                                                                
      1.     WHO IS JESUS?
                        Son of Carpenter,
                        Son of Jews Family                                            
2.     JESUS’ DIVINITY & HUMANITY                                    
The Word became Flesh,                                   
Jesus’ Divinity,                                                   
Jesus’ Humanity,                                                         
Primitive People,                                                
Social Life                                                          
4.     GOD’S CONCERN TO THE PEOPLE                     
God’s Dwelling,                                                  
God’s Relation,                                                  
Image of God,                                                    
God’s Compassion                                             
Amongst the People,                                          
Summary of the Text,                                        
Dealing the People,                                            
Focus to Needy Community                              
Self-standing Church,                                        
Spiritual Fortress,                                              
Accountable Church Today                              
7.     PARTNERSHIP IN THE WORK OF GOD              
Faith and Deed,                                                  
Commandments of God,                                   
Spiritual Gifts of God,                                       
Blessed are Those,                                              
Community development,                                 
Development approaches,                                  
Social Mobilization,                                           
Empowerment and Participation,                     
9.     GOD’S GLORY IN HIS KINGDOM                         
Lord’s Prayer                                                     



                 There were few times I got to study Bible working as an evangelist. Then were also days I spent with community people at development works. Bird eye view noticed some ideas over the times. And new opinion emerged in mind as accumulating the ideas on which this book is compiled.
                             This book is all about a findings of Biblical view on community development work. How wonderful is the followers of Christ to involve in this. We preach the word of gospel meanwhile how important is to work something among people. They are hard many times to believe it by only hearing in this pragmatic age. Lord Jesus worked among the people. We tend to reflect the gospel doing something good.
                             The title of this compilation, ‘Jesus: Community Development’ indicates an analytical study that Jesus involved to bring up community people. This writing is based on the Biblical truth. This is a morale understanding on underlying realities and ideas. It has been implied the basic teachings upon a firm foundation faith that Jesus is the Lord. The whole writing flows in narrative pattern. There is a simple way of expression, description and common languages have been used.
                             One will have to read throughout the end to catch a glimpse of this description. Chapter one gives a basic introduction of Jesus. And chapter two shows his experiences. Chapter three states human problems existed ever in the world. Chapter four remarks that God’s concern to the humankind. Chapter five regards his remedy upon the problems and chapter six the recovery. Chapter seven confirms the mission commission. Chapter eight determines witness work. Finally, chapter nine concludes with kingdom’s glory.
                             This book is neither a theology nor a development theory nor a vast study of them itself. It necessarily emphasizes on the helping hands, simply showing the more importance and appropriateness of Christians’ involvement in community development works. There have several charts been put to codify more of explanation. I praise the Lord for enabling and equipping me to prepare this book piece.
                                                    - Author. 

Who is Jesus?

                   [ Jesus left there and went hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. “Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him that he even does miracles! Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offence at him. ]
                                         <Mark 6:1-3>

                   Jesus was born of a Jews family in town called Bethlehem of kingdom of Israel now. He but brought up in Nazareth. It is believed that he was born in 4 B. C. and spent 33 years of his earthly living till his crucifixion. His father Joseph was a carpenter, <Mtt.13:55, Mk.6:3>, and mother a Jews woman, both were righteous. This family was a simple and typical as like as Jews community people. It simply shows their earning livelihood by working carpentry day and night. There had been much dealing with different kinds of people through the occupation. Jesus spoke Araemic language. He was born and brought up out of this background or environments.
                   The man named ‘Jesus’ simply means ‘Savior’, <Mtt.1:21>. From his childhood, he learned how to work woodcrafts with his father which is a hard labor as such. He assisted parents for family viability while he helped them that way. Moreover, he was a quite responsible member to do so, being a eldest among children of a father, <Mk.6:3>. Thus, he came through all the hardships, how to make the bread to eat, clothe to wear and shelter to dwell in. He enjoyed every satisfaction of work accomplishment. He experienced each feeling of pain and gain. He practically performed about self-standing. He, around his youth, also knew well about basic human needs. He lived every common life on earth, <Lk.2:51>.
                   Joseph, a lineage all the down through Judah above king David and up above to the father Abraham was a righteous man, <Mtt.1:1-17, 19>. Jesus, the son of him got to learn the Law of Moses. He learned to read them from parents. This family was keeping observed the laws carefully and faithfully. Jesus, in his teenage, used to speak the law of God even to the priests, <Lk.2:46-47>. He invested till some 30 years of his age for home study the word of God, <Lk.3:23>. Then, rest of his 3 years, he spent doing all the ministries among different people in different times and situations. His ministries were principally of teaching, preaching, and healing. He always involved in rendering the services to humankind.
                   He was born miraculously from the conception of the Holy Spirit in the womb of a virgin girl, Mary, <Mtt.1:18, Lk.1:27>. And this birth and purpose of Jesus was a fulfillment of what God had promised long back through the prophets. He was born and grew up in the grace of the Lord, <Lk.2:40>. He experienced earthly living. Being trained with the word of God, even filled with the Holy Spirit while he took the baptism and then begun to serve the humankinds by healing to the sick, preaching to the poor and needy, and teaching to the followers, <Mtt.9:35>, feeding the hungers, meeting the needs and availing himself to the people. He was crucified, sacrificed his blood on, for atonement of sin existed in humans, for that reason, they have been suffering from the beginning, <Rom.5:8, 1Jn.2:2>.
                   Jesus was buried after his death onto the Calvary cross, but then he rose again from the dead on the 3rd day, <1Cor.15:3-6>. He appeared to the mass of people after he rose again, spoke to them and ascended heaven from their midst, <Acts1:9>. It can be less to say about Jesus if we talk deeper and lengthier. But, there has no one, never ever been this world like Jesus, his uniqueness of birth, work, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. He has promised to come again to this world with judgments, <Rev.22:12, 20.                            
                   Bible says much enough about his introduction as mentioned as above, to know that who he is to come the world as a human being and in the same time, a Son of God, conceived by Holy Spirit. We shall talk more on this, next lessons further.


Jesus’ Divinity & Humanity

                   [ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. ]
                            <John 1:1-2, 14>
                             Twenty-first century era, is being grown with advancement of science and technology. People today, like ancient philosophers, argue and even doubt about God’s existence. We know, many religions and little gods around this world have distracted human relation to God, no doubt. Bible is the only source through which we know about true God and his existence.
                             In the beginning, God created heavens and earth, <Gen.1:1>. God was before the creation, while he created everything in heavens and earth respectively. He made Adam and Eve, first Man and woman in his own image, <Gen.1:26>. Man fall to sin and short of glory, still he loves creation so much. So, God, in his plan, envisaged salvation and hopeful life of human, who is suffering and struggling by every hardness because of his own sin, <Isa.43:11>. God introduced himself saying ‘I am who I am’, <Exo.3:14>; as the God of Abraham, the father of nations, <Gen.17:5>; all humankinds. God is love and justice in his abundant grace and righteousness, <1Jn.4:8; Psa.89:14>. God is almighty and in Spirit, <Isa.6:3; Jn.4:24>.
                             According to gospel of John 1:1-2, 14, the word was in the beginning with God while he created the heavens and earth, <Gen.1:1>. And the Word became flesh who is Jesus Christ and dwelled among us whose glory was likewise of Son of God. So then, Jesus was the Word himself, through which all things were created, <Col.1:15-16>, and nothing were made without him, <Jn.1:3>. He was sent forth Word by God in body, the earthly living. Jesus, born of Holy Spirit as a son of Joseph family, he is the Son of God and in the same time the son of man. Bible teaches clearly about the fact on Jesus, both his human nature and divine nature.

                             Jesus was come to earth for a divine purpose. He was a promised Messiah sent by God to whom people were waiting for longtime ago, <Lk.2:11>. He was the Christ, a savior, foretold by prophets and ever waited by God’s people, the Jews. God said a seed of woman will crush the head of serpent, the Satan, <Gen.3:15>, so the Jesus born out of the womb of a woman. His mission is to defeat Satan who tempted man to sin. Man turned away from God thus the human took own direction of worldly living. But God loved them so much and wanted to bring back to his glorious kingdom again. He planned for their deliverance, but through as needed as a deliverer, Jesus, his Son. God spoke this wonderful plan to people through prophets frequently and warned them to be prepared for. Jesus was to come as a ruler, prince of peace over people who restore the people from their turning away.
                             God promised that a ruler will come to world who will be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace, and who will reign upon the world forever and ever, <Isa.9:6-7>. Jesus always tried to gather the people together, <Mtt.23:37>, to show them a way of life and prosperity. Prophet Micah spoke that a ruler from Bethlehem will come out and takes care of Israelites, the chosen people of
God, <Mic.5:2>, that was fulfilled in Jesus. Isaiah, the major prophet told that a Son, born from a virgin girl will be called ‘Immanuel’ that means ‘God is with us’, <Isa.7:14>, that was fulfilled too in Jesus, <Mtt.1:23; 2:2>. In this way, Jesus Christ was the God promised king Messiah, came for a heavenly task of saving the humankind from destruction.
                             Many people still doubt about Jesus Christ and his divine personality because they don’t see his pre-existence in ethereal realm. Jesus was engaged to Abraham in the appearance of angel once, <Gen.18:> and Abraham called him Lord. And Jesus said that he was before Abraham, <Jn.8:58>. Now, Jesus was born of virgin girl who was possible for God, the impossible for a man. Because, he was not conceived by man but God, the Holy Spirit and so Spirit’s conception in the womb of a woman, that born as a Son of God being a God himself. Is not this uniqueness, something beyond an earthly regulation. Christ performed many miraculous actions that show his supernatural authority, in his every ministry. Born of a God’s power, he was taught Moses Law, the Word of God in his teenage. In the same moment of his baptism, the Holy Spirit came and filled him with and the voice of God came say ‘he is my Son to whom I am pleased’. Satan tempted him then and he overcomes the temptation by using the Word of God, around the wilderness during his 40 days fasting and prayer. And he begun ministry with the power and authority of God, the father, which are teaching the word of God, preaching the good news and healing the sicknesses.
                              He called the disciples and immediately they followed him. He taught people the immense teachings about one should practice day to day life. His teachings were great application of life important. People used to get surprised hearing great morals of them. Once, he stopped the storm on sea arose violently and men astonished that the wind and sea also obeyed his command, <Mtt.8:23-27>. That was one of the examples to his sovereignty upon the natures. The demons also knew and agreed that Jesus is the Son of God while he had driven them out. He raised the dead like completely dead girl once upon a time and next even dead and buried man for days named Lazarus from the tomb. He healed the blinds, the lepers, the paralysis and the deaf and dumb. He cast out demons and unclean spirits. He walked upon the water, cleaned the temple of Jerusalem. He fed the mass number of people once 5000 with 5 loves and 2 fishes, next 4000 with the 7 loves. Peter, John and James saw his transfiguration on the mountain and his meeting with Moses and Elijah there. He turned the water into wine when it was needed to reveal the glory of God. Jesus knew about Nathaniel before he met and that amazed people. He always spoke parables to give teaching about word of God. In every performance of these works, more people, often the Pharisees and Sadducees, questioned about Jesus’ power and authority. Because, he used to work with authority, the power he owned himself, the power of God, <Mk.1:22>
                             Jesus Christ tolerated the pain of cross such a cruel death punishment, the scourge before sentenced to death on the Calvary cross along with some thieves. Soldiers even pierced with spear to make sure that he was completely dead. A man called Arimathea Joseph took the Jesus’ body and buried in a new tomb. The 3rd day of burial, he rose from the dead and appeared to disciples for 40 days, <Acts 1:3>. And he was ascended to heaven from the midst of them. He promised to send the Holy Spirit. He promised also to come 2nd time to the world with final judgment. So, his crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and 2nd coming, all are well planned. Jesus Christ was come to earth, as a Son of God.
                             Jesus Christ was an incarnation of God, dwelt as a body among human beings. His name ‘Jesus’ is simply Jews name which means ‘a redeemer’ or ‘a savior’ put according to divine instruction but earthly name, which sounds a man like us. He grew up in a family, in a human community, in a society where people involved of different levels, views and occupations. And that way the human existence on earth knowing that how is being an individual life among physical world. He learned to read, discussed the word of God with human conscience and practiced thoughts doing it. Jesus also worked physically quite hard for livelihood of his family. He felt hunger, thirst, tired and some anger as exactly as the human nature does. He was tempted by Satan in wilderness, tempted physically for food, fame and all. Bible gives details of these things.
                             Once, seeing him doing miraculous works pf teaching, healing with the power of Spirit, some people inquired saying this, ‘is not he , a carpenter, son of Joseph and Mary, and brother of James, Joseph, Judas, Simon and some sisters’. People thought him no more than a young man because of his physical looking. They doubted his works that ever a man could perform such a powerful actions/ activities. He said once that his mother and sisters are those who hear and obey the word of God. He ate the foods with disciples, even partook among families as a guest people honored him. He ate and drank with tax collectors. It was said that the son of man came by eating and drinking. He frequently got exhausted, once even felt asleep while traveling on a boat with disciples and a storm arose could not woke him up easily. He looked for fruits on a tree beside the path while walking on, but frustrated in hunger when there were no fruits. That is why, he even cursed the tree in rebuke, his disciples saw it and astonished. All these are because Jesus was a complete man, his body got tired in fatigue ness while he worked day and night among such a crowd and noise. It was annoying and even irritating to respond crowd all the time that always came with some sort of questions or inquiries or asking something to do, may be some or the most of them wanted to examine him. We see, therefore, he used to turn aside many times from them, the gatherings after getting done something. Of course, he took time in personal prayer eventually.
                             Jesus had close friend named Lazarus whom he loved, was dead and buried. He went to the tomb and grieved deeply that he wept, the Bible says. He, with heartfelt sorrow, burst into a tear that was hard to bear sees a friend dead already and his family were in deep sorrow too. The other time, he saw temple was full of business activities and got so angry that he begun to drive all out the marketing gadgets, he hurled them down so that people stopped doing commercial business on the house of prayer any more. All of these activities show that Jesus inherited emotional qualities, sensitive dealings, absolute reasoning and humanity in total. He used to get tension mentally, and in response upon suppression by questionnaires of Pharisees and Sadducees in negative motives, he used some hoarse languages even scolded them authoritatively.
                             Jesus was in hard prayer in the garden of Gethsemane just night he was arrested. At the moment he was in deep sorrow for knowing the coming his panic and cruelest crucifixion and death. His soul was grieved desperately with full of tension mentally that he even prayed the father saying the cup would be removed if possible he was going to take. Bible says that he was sweating the drops of blood the moments he prayed there. After his arrest, because of scourge by whips, he became so weak that he could not carry the cross so that soldiers let other man carry for him to the Calvary hill. Tolerating all the pain, Jesus screamed to father the moment his death on the cross. Soldiers pierced his body on the cross with spears to make sure his complete death and the blood and water flowed from this. His dead body was buried in a new tomb.
                             Now, to look back to the John chapter 1, the ‘Word became Flesh’, the word was God, and Jesus Christ was God himself. So, Jesus has totally divine natures and has totally human natures in the same time therefore two distinct persons and natures united in one physical body, the life of Jesus Christ.

                             Jesus Christ is God, a personality of the God of Trinity. God is one God, who exists in three persons that are, God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son, Lord Jesus Christ. Quite difficult to understand the triune of God, it is because no analogies there is in human experience himself but only the Bible tells us clearly about this. God, in the time he created man, uses plural personals addressing ‘we’ or ‘us’, <Gen.1:26>, shows persons of God at the very beginning. In the beginning, God, Father was there and Spirit was there too, <Gen.1:1-2>. The Word, which was Jesus, was with God in the beginning, <Jn.1:1-2>. So, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were there from the beginning. Jesus said, baptize believers in the name of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, <Mtt.28:19>, regards Triune God. Jesus promised that Father would send Holy Spirit, <Jn.14:26>. Paul did benediction prayer in the name of Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, <IICor.13:14>. When Jesus, the Son was baptized, Holy Spirit came upon and Father was pleased with, <Mtt.3:16-17>. God is ‘Abba Father’, <Rom.8:15>, Son is ‘only begotten Son’, <Jn.3:16>, and the Holy Spirit is ‘a Counselor’, <Jn.15:26>, all persons equally coexisted eternally. Should we study Bible and we understand more personally that this mystery is revealed through the word of God.
                             These are much more reference tells about the three persons of trinity besides the main verses mentioned above. And, none of them does mean that there are three Gods, but three persons coexisted in a single subsistence. Two persons can not subsist in human persons but the Jesus Christ subsisted in human person, a unique and mystery. Therefore, Jesus, being the God, was a total human.


Human Society from the Beginning

                             [ When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal, his days will be a hundred and twenty years. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days- and also afterward- when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. ]
                                     <Genesis 6:1-6, 11-12>

                   The contemporary conscience what we’ve called science today has tried much to explain about creation, evolution and human civilization. But, Bible simply explains that God made heaven and earth. He created them out of nothing, that he took nothing substance or any help doing the work of creation. He visions the dream in mind of all things to be created, and just they came out into existence as he spoke out the Word. He created them in order and they were so good. First, heaven and earth, and the light and dark then space, land, sea, plants, sun, moon, stars, fishes, birds, animals, he created and blessed them all then put them in order respectively, <Gen.1:>. He put the genetics (generating) powers in all things; plants, animals, birds, fishes, so that they multiplied to subdue the earth. We can easily imagine that how it was God to see such a beautiful creation where was nothing like that before. God managed to arrange every single thing in a proper place and looked them so good to give him glory as it was the only purpose made them for.
                             Finally, god convinced that one thing was lacking to rule over all creation and so he created man and woman, Adam and Eve, in his own image. It was his special creation, the man and his wife to rule over all the creation, with his descendants to generations. God put the soul into man while he completed making him a body from the dust. He put the conscience into him too, the man named each of the things on earth differently. Man looked like God, was happy to all creation. God put both man and woman in beautiful Garden of Eden which was in east. There were four rivers to irrigate the garden named Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates. Eventually, Adam and Eve broke the law, by eating the fruit of tree, the tree of knowledge while falling into temptation of Satan and disobeying God’s command to not eat that. So, God expelled them out though he loved them so much as to all creation. Man fall into sort of glory and exiled. From that point, problem came to man and ever his descendants. The descendants of man inherited problems. People were corrupted, and they declined with corrupted manners. This did not please God but made him so upset in heart and mind that he even regretted of making a man that time. The same problem follows till the world today and more problems causes problems among mankind.

                             Science has recorded several human civilization of long era back, with the improvements by hypothetical assumptions mostly on earthly substances. It regarded some places of civilization in different location of earth like Mesopotamia, Sindhu gorge, Hwang ho, Harrappa, Tsi kyang etc… And people mentioned the Tigris and Euphrates civilization there too. The human civilization, where the mankind sprung up and spread out the earth, thus deserves a different history quite vast and lengthy. The story there sums up of main stages of age, human is coming through that are; cave age, stone age, hunters, migrating jungle safari, fire age, agriculture age, industry, and modern ages. Moreover, thousands of mythology and legends has been told about creation and human development from originality. Because of vividness of the race, religions, languages, cultures, tribes, and environments, this world is being wider and complicated. New philosophies are coming out of human thinking on these.                         
                   However, Bible explicitly reveals about how human development is coming across. It is been shown there how people are progressing after the creation. Actually, each of the civilization stories comes to match with Biblical history. The location of Tigris and Euphrates which is been called human civilization, has been already known, that is where Adam and Eve lived in garden. Falling into sin, first man was cursed to toil and die into dust. Among the sons of Adam, the Cain was a farmer and Abel looked after the sheep. By the time, God given power of generating man and woman, spread in the masses around the earth. Bible says that sons of God married the daughters of men and that means they multiplied rapidly. Human has an especial will power and conscience that God put to them in creation so that he made every choice what to do or not. Human is always ahead with those power, and more intelligent and powerful than any creation, he learned new things about life, thought on them and applied in new inventions for self development. He tested every good or bad and adopted the best he thought about life comfortable. Men still followed to live in families as God set up in Adam and Eve.
                             There were giant size people and they were brave warriors. We could say that the multiplication and subdue of birds, animals, fishes, reptiles, plants, were marvelous. There were big wild animals, probably dinosaurs, where people used to hunt them and make them food. Here, people were so corrupted that made God regression of creating them. That is why, God decided to destroy the world with flood once upon the time. God chose Noah and his family for continuing creation by saving them and other livings with them, on Noah’s ark. God, then sent rain for forty days and nights and whole world was flooded, everything were destroyed. The mountains were sunk into flood, earth was totally drowned. Human mass including animals were died, they were covered by flood. People find some fossils of big/ giant human and animals nowadays must be out of the flood that time. Bible says that later on a time, earth was divided in parts, probably in continents that time; the earth land was otherwise in only mass part before.   
                             Now, people, including plants and animals, multiplied and spread on earth again through Noah and his righteousness. Earth was so populated and people split in various nations. Men were so strong and powerful that they built their own cities and nations. Some became great hunters, some worked of clay and the vineyard. Realizing their divisions in nations while they had only language, they said ‘let us build a tower in city as high as heaven for our name sake so that we would not scatter/ loss across the earth.’ Then, God put various languages among people and they could not build their own tower of pride in Babel.
                             Bible mentions several groups of people chronologically and God chosen people, the Israelites specifically. We know, there were numerous nations over the world. The thing is all people were corrupted by then. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were full of adultery. Furthermore, all people including Israelites, and mankind all over the world were corrupted that is because of the only sin which entered them from the beginning. That is the fact people in Old Testament time were really disgusting mannered, Bible clearly records historically. God was giving them laws, warning through prophets, walking with hand in hand but they did not turn to confess. Because, people were wise, powerful, crafty, independent, self-conscious, capable, wealthy, skillful, intelligent, smart, experienced, scholar, beautiful, kings, queens, rulers, judges, prophets, wise men, craftsmen, leaders, singers, warriors, priests, laymen, all and all, civilized a quite in a social life.

                   God put man in the midst of all creatures, and yet said ‘it is not good for man to be alone.’ So, he made a woman for him. Thus, the human lived always with the other livings, plants, environments, laws, and all surroundings, from the beginning. He born, brought up, learns, and dies among them which we say social life today.
                             People lived in a home, the family and the family abided in a community, the society. The decree of God was that a man should not be alone, and so a person can not live alone. He first opens up eyes on earth among people and world surroundings. And the surroundings influences whole life of the person. People, as mentioned in the Bible were so, lived among the family, and tribes or nations. The family of Abraham, the father of nations was a model household to whom God favored and blessed. Several other families split away to the different directions. The home model developed a patriarchal inheritance. Many established their own territory and cities around. People chose own kings to rule over them. Prophets were to teach them laws. Fathers were responsible to look after the household, to teach children and care for them. People went temple and priests prayed for them. Some nations were making idols and worshipping them in different beliefs than the Israelites. Some Israelites also adopted worshipping idols or foreign gods but frequently there were always clash and even battles between idolatries and those who believed almighty God. People owned land, formed and earned grains. They owned animals like sheep, cattle, and camels. They had own festivals to observe, rituals to upkeep, and cultures to follow. They had specific dress up, ornaments, shoes of their own like gown, cloak, rings, and shawl for women and over coats, belts, for men. Men decided the judgment foe some wrong doing or breaking the laws and took action in groups of people. They were some entrepreneurs and had commercial activities. Political activities undertook while rulers came and some revolutions among kingdoms. There were poor and riches, powerful and weak, hunger and diseases, learned and common, wise and absurd, master and servant, and so on. So, these were the life style of ancient people we find at glance to the Bible. They had a public well for water where people fetched from. They lived common lives, mostly traveling here and there, wandering for better and more comfortable places. Men found easy traveling by boat across the seas and had fine trades at the ports. So, they came to more advanced ages by the time. Bible era spends likewise, the human developed more ahead.                       
                   Now, this is modern era of 21st century. Humankind is yet mightiest amongst of all creation. They have been far across the world ahead and farsighted to the years ahead. Using same will power and conscience bestowed upon them by God in creation, they have now reached such a stage where they almost could do all and everything they want. Hard to measure progresses the human ever made, we can imagine how they came advanced in each life aspects of economics, technologies, politics, fine arts, communications, cultures, and others. All these have determined modern human society.
                             The meaning of word ‘society’ is being broader and wider use. The society is where various common groups of people spread certain areas of land, nation, community, culture, race, originality, climate or same interests. The different kinds of caste, creed, belief, level, gender, language, religion, laws, tradition, thoughts, system, rituals, ages, history, faith, cultural habits and all abide in a society. Thus, a society is broader than a country or nation. The life style shares there among people. Each of the living aspects as mentioned above matches to the others one way or the other in a society. The groups of the people influence each other perpetually. They hold belongingness each other among themselves, responsibilities for their common good and prosperity. They are bound among themselves, organized with common interest, concepts and same purposes sometimes. The land borders or certain laws can not divide or separate it. People, the human beings with same social lives could be inhabited across the countries. Therefore, the study of social dogma is a vast faculty itself when more we talk about human society. But still, this is a matter of persons individually, a chronological progress of people ever made and God’s blessing on human to subdue the earth and rule over all creation.
                             However, having said all these conditions and knowing that even human is still super creature among world, yet there is always being wrong side. Something is ever lacking to men. And that is spiritual loss. Man had all things he needs, can do whatever he wants but because of sinful nature and born in sin, some problems entangles him always. Man could not be perfect and satisfied with what he gains; all things in world could not fill the spiritual vaccant in man. Because of this vaccant of spiritual lost, he does not have enough strength to hold happiness with what he has. When he lacks joy and happiness, more becomes overwhelmed by sinful natures. Sin makes immense gap towards God and his help because of his righteousness, the justice.
                             Among three essences in humans, they are body, soul, and spirit, the body represents of desire, ambition, want, will or physical characters. The soul is for feelings, thoughts, heart, love, respect or inner qualities. And the spirit is innermost being which can not be approached by physical realm. The spirit is ethereal segment, an intangible thing but we could know and experience it while we could feel the soul, and could see and touch the body. These three are bound in one home together, an individual man. Body is material organism where the delicate soul and sensitive spirit dwelt safe into it. Spirit is stronger than the others, while the soul and spirit are delicate. Body preserves them and without soul the body remains dead, without spirit, a mere material. They are equal essentials of a person. Now, the point here is, an individual will be incomplete, sort of one of these to the others. It is pain, the absence of any. Man sins when he lacks spirit, the Spirit of God. And he falls into more problems. The problems defect the body or soul or the spirit again. Same circle of plight to the man, he revolves on. A human being suffers. A person of human being suffered because of inactiveness of his spirit or lacking of soul or defect of his body. It affects the community people and a whole human society suffers ultimately.
                             Practically, a lame man can not afford family because he can not work as he could. His family does not feel what is like being a lame. They never convinced and loved among themselves. Children, not educated became thieves, harmed other families and caused them blind or murdered. Mother died early of no medication of bad health. The father died hunger. Good looking neighbors hated them. There is no unity among these people. The corruption, exploitation, deception, and deprivation increased. The national economy always went worse, out of the spoiled society. The poverty overwhelmed whole country. Unawareness, illiteracy, unhealthy, and poverty of most population remained unproductive, boredom, and burdensome. Same cycle of plight to the people, they revolve on.
                             These are the general scenario of human social life till these recent ages. Moreover, there are marvelous progresses people ever achieved on the other hand, when we talk about modern days. People developed digital technologies, made supersonic spacecrafts, robots, micro-computers, nuclear bombs, biology and all magic inventions. World competencies upgraded among the developed countries. They excelled socio-economic mechanism like agriculture system, marketing, industries, welfare etc… Political systems have been changed and adopted according to their own convenient. No more autocratic systems domains but democracy is being popular all over the world. Western countries have stepped very far ahead in developing all these. The nations developed themselves are because of their economic progress. Some rose with commercial success. European countries uplifted from their access throughout world with commercial industries, and they are developed. Regarding Asia, oil is the monopoly but a survival for Arabians. China is up coming in economic growth which shows great hope there. India also is coming up with better hope. East coast has progressed in some technologies. Australia does better own ways. Albeit among them, Africans pretty much struggle always with the poverty. Eventually, people are taking part in ballistic weapons. They compete with nuclear power. They achieved great pace in information and technology, so that world had come in one platform, it really narrowed down the world. General awareness has been made against mass destruction like in World War II. Scientists and sociologists are aware about sustainability of world resources for life on earth. People are able to explore universe and it seems like the ancient mythologies of fairy tales have been coming into true. Some people are so rich that they could buy a kingdom. People deserved marvelous intelligence, therefore could know whole world. Cosmopolitan necessity obliged them to interest one world to others. They have learned respect importantly others languages, cultures, social dogmas, And started the preservation of socio-cultural values, conservation of life environment, and prevention of self-destruction or devastation by means of harming others, by learning from the history. Global concept has been generated for mutual interest. As a whole result, the world is really being or getting wider day to day. That is how, one aspect of social world sphere today.
                             Here again, we do not escape saying all above good things because there is vicious darkness of the world, in the converse too. Many problems have been interlinked, holding one after another. Poverty has been rooted which mainly is causing each suffering. There are mass of people under the poverty in different countries who are deprived from life subsistence. Mass population can not imagine even better life but still they are far away from basic needs. Lack of food, clothes, shelter, awareness, made them in more panic condition. Highly percentage of poverty increasing in the midst of what we called developed countries. Human consuming diseases are being sprout up and spread over world like Hepatitis B, Cancers, HIV AIDS, plagues, or other epidemic prevalence. People of big amount still remained illiterate. They even do not know that they have right to live an autonomous lives fundamentally. They do not feel self-respect, love equality, responsibility themselves. These people have not got to unveil their conscience that is covered up with unawareness and everything is blocked up. Disability, superstitions, traditional forces, and incompetence are also the barriers for self-development. Natural disasters like flood, landslide, tsunami, volcano, accidents and casualties, hurricane, fire occurrences used to make human condition panic. Some political or religious intentions are bringing terrorism activities which also caused tremendous destruction. Many groups of community people are backwards, marginalized, vulnerable, and underprivileged yet in different regions of the nations. They are bereft or isolated from the every opportunity. Huge numbers of population in world are dying hunger starved. Backwards people have very less per capita income. Governments are failure to come out from economic depression own selves. This condition brings country people into more towards poverty, unhealthy, hopeless, and desperation. Because of desperation, there comes up immorality, corruption, vengeance, deception, declination, cheating, crimes, and all misconduct in society. The problems arise and all go drowned in the trap of mishap befalling. Such a pitiable situation that the human population crossing through. What a crucial condition, what a controversial, what  critical realities that some people from same earth, same society, same creation in different environments are sophisticated, smarter, richer, well being, intelligent, developed, Hi-fi (high fidelity), better off, but then some are neglected groups, poor, and underprivileged.
                             The critical conditions, if we seriously analyze over them, that is coming to be ever all the way through creation the world. The root problem entered in human life, community, and whole society gradually ever since the sin was possessed and inherited down to generations. This is a biggest disease that devastating people, by making disable to resist it and retain better life. God, only had resolution upon these problems. 

God’s Concern to the People

                             [ On the day the tabernacle, the Tent of the Testimony, was set up, the cloud covered it. From evening till morning the cloud above the tabernacle looked like fire. That is how it continued to be; the cloud covered it, and at night it looked like fire. Whenever the cloud lifted from above the Tent, the Israelites set out; wherever the cloud settled, the Israelites encamped. At the Lord’s command the Israelites set out, and at his command they encamped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they remained in camp. When the cloud remained over the tabernacle a long time, the Israelites obeyed the Lord’s order and did not set out. Sometimes the cloud was over the tabernacle only a few days; at the Lord’s command they would encamp, and then at his command they would set out. Sometimes the cloud stayed only from evening till morning, and when it lifted in the morning, they set out. Whether by day or by night, whenever the cloud lifted, they set out. Whether the cloud stayed over the tabernacle for two days or a month or a year, the Israelites would remain in camp and not set out; but when it lifted, they would set out. At the Lord’s command they encamped, and at the Lord’s command they set out. They obeyed the Lord’s order, in accordance with his command through Moses. ]
                             [ For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ]
                            <Numbers 9:15-23> <John 3:16>

                             We know that God exists heavenly but he dwells among people, the human beings. He is omnipresent, whether in heaven or on earth, he is there. Obviously, he is in Spirit everywhere especially among the people because he loves human. From the beginning, he has been among the human fellowship. He promised Abraham to make him father of nations, promised Israel to dwell among them, make them his people and be their Lord, and promised humankind to bring salvation, an eternal life. God fulfilled all of his promises, as he loves and concerns people so much. The modality of his love and care to all mankind is to the Israelites that other nations would be jealous of it, he told them to make tent and always dwelt among them in Spirit, the pillar of fire and cloud, during their journey over the world, the wilderness. That way, God used to be close to mankind, established of fellowship in between. Man broke the command of God and sinned that separated him from God. But God did not forsake them because he made them with his own hand in especial way. Therefore, he always kept kind relation to them, so that people would not go astray; toward destruction away from him. He does not want to break this relation apart from his love and compassion. But of course, he has one obligation that he has given to man a choice, whether man abides in him or go away. This is because God is justice and righteous. He does not force man but gives him free choice by his own conscience. However, he is up keeping the relationships to mankind ever in the world. God concerns them in great values, rather than he also cares all the creations. That is why, he sent only Son, Jesus Christ to the world that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. So, there is choice again to the people, to believe in Jesus Christ or not. The great favor of promise there is, one shall not perish who believes in him. God, by the times went through, has been keeping his relation with human by any means. Over the Old Testament times, he spoke them face sometimes, and mostly through prophets, his words, the laws. Now, Jesus established new relationship of human with God when he revealed himself as a Savior. God is love and people who believed him, come to the Jesus Christ’s fellowship and worship God in Spirit and in truth. He honors those who honor him and work among those and that way he fulfills his great love and concern to humankinds.
                   In this way, the relationship of God to people now has become an optional, yet he loves each person individually over the world, and that means the door pf opportunity is still open for everyone. The person thinks and believes him with rationale choice of his own. There are various alternates for choosing to believe him or take the ways open around him. Some people worship idols, evil spirits, and stars, or animals. Some even reject the God’s existence, and some believes many gods. But God reveals himself in the existence of all creation, where people chose to worship them rather than almighty creator, God. All and every amazing thing of creation shows the glory of God, they reflect his mightiness, and that way they give glory to him. Because, every single thing was created by him, and without him nothing was made. God even was created the heavenly creatures, the angels who later became some Satan, the evil spirits more than that of visible or material things in the world. For these reason, there is inevitable connection between God and the World where humankinds have existed upon. God is jealous god, and so he does not want to see people going away and worshipping the other things than him. He ought to put them in judgment though he loved them so much. He does not want them also to judge with eternal punishment. Hence, God keeps constant observation over the people.
                             Now, God planned the way out of the critical situation of the people through his Son, Jesus Christ as per spiritual resolution. Spirit ever could control the material things, so spiritual strength could overcome the physical realm which is a sinful world. In this great revolution, took part the Son and the Son Jesus Christ sacrificed himself onto the cross for atonement. He paid the ransom with blood, the price of sin. His blood was extraordinary; he shed onto the cross, because it was the blood of human as equal as total divine. Jesus is Son of God and people who come to him became sons of Father God through Christ. So, there is kin relation to them and God, the Father. God sees over people as children of his own.

                             God made man in his own image, in his very natures. Henceforth, a person acquired materialistic or physical body, soul, and spirit, conscience, the reasoning power, intelligence, feelings, all as God has owned them. Because of these things, man/ woman looks like God. God’s natures reflect in a person. We can not see God with our bare and physical eyes but he is in Spirit and can be seen in spirit and all we can see is his natures, works, will, can feel his presence and know his ways of love and care. We perceive them in a person, the human being. Today, there are various races, tribes, and groups of people differentiated themselves all around the world. There are many divisions among human society according to either their locality or their color. It is been very difficult to figure out all the diversity among people. Some are black colored/ dark skin, yellow and white, some rich, poor, educated, illiterate, healthy, disable, strong, frail, smart, ugly, dominion, oppressed, intelligent, unaware, sophisticated, hunger, priest, layman, scientist, ruler, scholar, vagabond, and some Asian, European, Western, Arabian, African, Australian, Christian, Hindu, Buddhists, polytheists, animists, evolutionists, Muslims, developed, underdeveloped, and so on. But God, no matter which varieties a person of, loves him equally well. It depends on the person, he loves God or not. Naturally, the people who are in need of help, only ever used to look for God. When we carefully watch a poor man, he is in the image of God. A disable, marginalized or a vulnerable man/ woman represents God. Anyone from any language, culture, or community of the world corner looks like God. He wants all coming to one fellowship with him.
                             Moreover, Jesus stated the great commandments, saying that we should love God with all our mind, strength and heart and we should love our neighbors as ourselves as well. The mystery of love of God here is interesting. God’s love reveals in neighbors’ life. In condition of we do not show love to others, the God’s love does not fulfill. So, God’s love shows in our neighbors, while we love other people, would love God. He wants exact thing in our relation to him would be complete in our concern each other, which are his concerning to the people. He regards his image reflected in mankind, a God looking brother or a sister. God deserves especial remarks to the people.

                             Generally speaking, the human heart is tender and delicate and so the God’s compassion. Lord, the God is merciful, slow in anger and generous in love and faithfulness. He makes all sins of man as crimson to white as like as snow. Having knowledge about Adam sinned by eating the fruit in garden, God called him, ‘where are you’ and what have you done this’, what a regressive expression mixed with pity on him. God because of filling with compassion himself does not forsake people but keeps kind regards on them, having pity on them that many people are in worse condition.
                             God ever cared the poor people, who are in need of any help, vulnerable, sick, or disable. The gospel is for needy, poor and sick people, that Jesus emphasized priority because one will accept or receive who has needed. Jesus talked about poor, blind, handicapped to be brought into the kingdom of God. In law, God frequently told to not neglect the poor. He hears them, watches their condition always close to them, and receives honor and glory of them. The poor people are honest to keep fellowship with God among themselves. They are made for God as they remain in world. There is saying that one looks for God when if he/ she is in some trouble, needs something. Otherwise, they will be enjoying, eating, drinking, or fall in slumber. But, who searches for Lord, will be quenched and God builds up his fellowship among the people like this. He knows what every pain is like, since even Jesus in flesh experienced all world pain. He feels hunger, and all the pathetic condition. We have seen how the human society these days is full of grimaces. We know also that God is not who remains unaware about these, but he keeps especial observation upon the people, primarily the poor and who are in needs, to up keep his concern and relation by means of fellowship, out of his love, care, and compassion.
                             Now, Father God is identified in each individual countenance and appearance of people. He signifies his image and verifies his works among the people. He feels pity on poor persons, who can not approach the resources which are God freely given gifts. His will is to give them a life of abundance. He likes to see their economic condition has been raised, illiterate could read and write, hungers would get regular foods, sick people would get treatment and medication without hesitations, children would get good education, each person could feel safety and security, discrimination would be removed, people would be autonomous and self-reliance, street boys/ girls could get common lives, homeless could reside, all these welfares could have facilitated by who are aware better people among them. Human hearts need to be ready to fulfill the God’s concern upon these.


Jesus’ Engagement to Needy People

                             [ John’s disciples told him about all these things. Calling two of them, he sent them to the Lord to ask, “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” When the men came to Jesus, they said, “John the Baptist sent us to you to ask, “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” At that very time Jesus cured many who had diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave sight to many who were blind. So, he replied to the messengers, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me.” After John’s messengers left, Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: “What did you go out into the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind? If no, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who wear expensive clothes and indulge in luxury are in palaces. But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. This is the one about whom it is written: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.” I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he. (All the people even the tax collectors. When they heard Jesus’ words, acknowledged that God’s way was right, because they had been baptized by John. But the Pharisees and experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptized by John.) To what, then, can I compare the people if this generation? What are they like? They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to each other: “We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we dang a dirge and you did not cry.” For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by all her children. ]
                                          <Luke 7:18-35>

                             Jesus almost half way of his ministry, already did much of works, teaching, healing, and preaching kingdom of God, very first time, he rose a man from the dead being taken the way towards tomb. And it is said that all people filled with fearsome. Right after this great miracle, there appears some interventions for a while of some kind of discussions and conversation of Jesus to the people. This text is about Jesus Christ confirming the faith of John the Baptist, who was in prison by giving and showing the answers for his questions and also giving an honorable testimony concerning John. Most important of relevance here in the text is not only what Jesus doing and saying, the story but what this passage indicates that Jesus was engaged with. Every single phrase there gives much indicative explanation how he was doing rather than saying.
                             John the Baptist needed to confirm his faith before death and along with his disciples needed to ask Jesus that was really he, the Messiah. Jesus rather continued works, cured many diseases, sicknesses, and evil spirits. He gave sight to the blinds, cured the lame, healing the lepers, deaf, raising the dead and preaching the good news to the poor, all in action. And he said them back the answers, to tell him that all these are happening. He gave intimation to the poor and disables. Jesus Christ, his education in Nazareth, his residence at Galilee, the humbleness of his family and relations, his poverty, and the disrepute of his followers- these and the like were stumbling blocks to many. He was wise, humble and friendly who was not overcome by prejudices. ‘Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me.’ He was a man of steadfastness and constancy, a firm as a rock not a fickle as a reed, self-denial lived in the wilderness not in a luxury indulgence, more than a prophet. The humbler of those who follows him would be greater than John. Then people heard and accepted truth. But Pharisees and lawyers did not believe for their own ruin. So, Jesus rebuked them that they are like children in a marketplace, full of play. They thought john, who came without eating and drinking, a melancholy and demon possessed. But Jesus Christ came eating and drinking, to whom they called a friend of tax collectors and sinners. The same men, who represented John the Baptist as a crazed in his intellects, represented Jesus Christ as a corrupt in his morals, a glutton and a drunkard. Ill-will never speaks well. Those, how they wise in manners will prove, right the wisdom or not. In this event, Jesus Christ has such an interaction that shows his involvement with different people.

                             Lord Jesus Christ, as a God and yet a human, has come to bear mission with great divine purpose of giving people the life and hope, kept touching and taking action about, the different people. God promised that as rain does not return back to sky without wet the land and grow the seeds, so the Word of his. Here, we find Jesus in action to grow the fruits of life among the people. As the text mentioned above, he is busy dealing with different kinds of people from community around. Jesus spent with people from different level, thoughts, motives, and social background. He met each person and looked upon them what they want. Some wanted healing, some teaching and some to watch him to test. As we talked earlier that how is the human condition in world, and Jesus met each of those condition by dealing with mankind. As again we saw him spending whole time among people, he involved also some important model of ministry of word as well as action. He did the preaching and teaching by doing and showing what he had said. He dealt with the questions that used to mingle people’s mind again and again thinking; - is Jesus really a person who had been promised? Then what kind of person he is, doing what and how? It is heard much enough from his mouth but what about behavior? How come a simple man from such a place and family could do miracles, could raise the dead and could speak the truth? Is not he who always walks with lepers, drunkards, tax collectors, poor, and demon possessed? What a disgusting that he always lives among mean society? Jesus responded all these inquiries, the doubtful inquiries in human mind all at once by saying ‘go and tell what you have seen and heard.’ He puts forward the action he has been doing by the time, healing, giving better life, preaching and encouraging the people in this matter of hope and opportunity of life. He proved by doing what he used to say by his own hand. To do the activities of welfares, he reached and worked at right ground level down.
                             Right away people brought the questions, he began to work on healings. He knew that these are the questions which can be answered by doing or showing. Because, the physical perception motivated questions could be answered by the physical activities proven response. He dealt people of this situation overwhelmed with. He then said blessed are those who do not see a reason of obstacles in him doing all works among needy community people. However, this event is one of the example of the queries of puzzles in human mind ever arose about Jesus Christ that who really he is. Different human society still could not accept the truth of Son and the main problem there is they do not see or touch the answer as they want in physical world. They do have blindness in heart to see spiritually and Jesus responded to this condition by opening the eyes of blind physically. He always engaged with his physical presence to the human community doing some kind of activities that brings relief to panic situation of human world. Same thing today, the mass people of world do not perceive gospel with their physical vision and their spiritual vision is blinded, so they mingle around so much of inquiries, what a poor struggling. Jesus, Lord showed the modality we ought to follow by doing something in their physical surrounding facilitation, for God loves and concerns them much.                                     
                   Let us come out the text mentioned above for a while, and see Lord Jesus Christ, in his habitual. He always, goes down to people, live among them, learns by doing something with them and not only showing but also modeling the pattern of works done. More he went on doing works; the more he learned certain problems of people in certain groups or community, so that he could address them optimum response accurately. Several times, he let the demons speak that he was so of God, so that people who do not dare to speak this, knew it. He used to spent time alone of prayers in wilderness. In the beginning days, he initiated with lots of questions from people and his disciples as well. He spoke and taught them in parables, stories, and the illustrations. He fed the crowd with what they had a few and scarce. His disciples were to make their disciples. He taught and worked with authority. He commissioned his followers to do what he did, and they kept practically doing them. Time to time, he foretold about his crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, and that he literally fulfilled. The life model itself of Lord Jesus Christ is a unique, in the sense he was a leader and in the same time a teacher, a facilitator, a trainer, an animator, and all in one.
                             Jesus, as he said hid mission is to fulfill the will of Father God, played a great role of remedy upon problems existed in human society from the beginning because God has very important concern with this matter. So was he dwelt among human beings, involved them in every needs he met. He came to physical world from spiritual realm, the heaven to deliver them in life eternal by meeting them physically and saving spiritually. We know people were tired of hearing the Word of God entire Old Testament times, but Jesus came in body and performed the will of God among people practically. Israelites, many times turned away from God, by the times hearing constant preaching the good news they did not digest or contend with it, and not only that, they became corrupted more, complained all the time, quarreled each other and became more stubborn. They liked to see, feel and test sometimes with their own experience so Jesus Christ came to them for being man to deliver mankind though many of them still did not believe. The action of Son of God was to engage in people’s social services.
                             He asked people that if they tend to see luxurious man while he was along with poor, vulnerable because of their sin, the sinners. He became as like as equal to them, going them and drinking and eating the foods with them. The poor and sickness did not come a far to him with gold and offerings but he approached them. The humility of Jesus was him to become servant.

                             Lord Jesus Christ established his church on the foundation rock of faith. He always emphasized poor and needy who comparatively looks for God and truth than the others. The spiritual rule is the one grabs and holds the faith while he/ she needed it. And Christ often focused to see people who are at least in some kinds of need. Some people needed to know what they actually needed. Common people like poor, laymen, interior, neglected and isolated groups are naturally in needs of something which group priority followed him as he approached them. He approached them with compassion in heart and mind. He blessed them out of mercy and cheerful heart. He held the hands of drawn, hopeless, and helpless.
                             Once, he was just taught a big group of people and on the way while he was going, he saw a tax collector named Matthew, a Levite and said him to follow, immediately he followed by giving up his job, the business and all, behind. And Jesus with his disciples was eating at the house of the tax collector. Seeing, they are at home of him whom people hated, the question raised that why Jesus is with such a sinners. Jesus replied them at this situation that the healthy persons do not need doctor but the sicknesses really do. Thus, the Matthew was in need of love and intimation rather than all hatred. Jesus hit the right target of the needy heart of Levite at the moment. That is why, he immediately followed after him, received and accepted Jesus, invited home to eat together, such a welcoming environment is seen there. Moreover, Jesus said that he has come to call sinners not the religious. The other places upon time, Jesus fed 5000 people and next time he fed 4000 people. In that very events, one important thing has been said is, he felt pity on them each time. Remarkable facts are he was healing physically and giving them some kinds of relief and people had various expectations more upon tired and weary lives so Jesus felt pity on them. Then, as he has been doing healing to the disables, also fed the numbers of people with bread and fish, all he did there is physical remedy for spiritual purpose. It is said both of the places, that the people were contented with the foods they enjoyed eating. They were hunger enough and he fed them to full satisfaction. Of course, he did miraculous performance by feeding the crowd with very few pieces of loaves and fish. But another very important thing here is he used what they had, to do this amazing work. He did not necessarily bring outside resources only in a huge supply but used what was available locally. He activated local resources and multiplied by blessing them. He, by the time taught that not only meeting the needs but also how can the needs be addressed for the purpose of kingdom of God and glory to God ultimately. Jesus importantly emphasized work among people who are in felt needs.
                             Likewise, it has been very important to approach the needy communities with some help or facilitation today, as Lord Jesus Christ modeled to engage poor, backwards, disable disadvantaged or underprivileged community people of human society with his especial concerns. It is really challenging mission to meet this commission of Jesus’ modality and yet it is been all possible in him. Once, he also provided the better wine, when it runs out at the time of feast in a wedding, miraculously changing the water into better wine than before; in the place called Cana. Mainly, he showed the example of his care for needs that are felt and betterment of human life. Jesus met a Samaritan woman and she was in thirst of honor and prestige whom he chose to be a great evangelist. He used the necessity as a power for glory of God’s kingdom. He met a woman people were about stone upon her, charge of prostitution, stood for her when she confessed and called him Lord. Jesus also claimed/ called a good shepherd himself who cares for sheep. All these events explain that Jesus always set focus on the felt needs of community people, dealt and engaged mankind of these for the work of glory to his kingdom at all.
                             Indeed, each and all individuals are equal in the sight of God, whether rich or prestigious, persons are important for his work, healthy, educated and well-being men are required for helping the works of God. They also need eternal life by means of salvation and God regards them too. But there is not much seen that the rich people or prestigious men came to believe good news in Jesus’ time though. Pharisees and Sadducees always tried to test the Jesus, his works. Jesus said that it is easier a camel to pass through a needle hole than a rich man come into the kingdom of God, while because a rich young did not want to give up his wealth and follow Jesus. A gentleman named Nicodemus came to Christ asked about the kingdom of God, he hardly believed it. Still, they are human being and God loves them, wants them to come into his kingdom. The thing here is what their needs are. When one does not feel any need of help, then it is fine. But they do not satisfy with what they have. There is huge vacant in human heart that it is not all possible to fill that by anything richness of the world but only peace of Prince, the Lord Jesus Christ. And they need him is their heart. In that sense, their need is different but yet it is equally important to be used in the work of kingdom.
                             Jesus said that God cares for his children, and his will is not even one of these little children would perish. We all human kinds are children of God, more often who have not known God are like children, unknown. And also Jesus said to people whom he called a corrupted generation, which how long he will abide among them. That means disciples and generally the followers must follow the example of him that how he has been doing the work of his kingdom. He engaged the needy community people, dealt with them every situation. He established the Churches, meeting physical disabilities, felt needs, for the spiritual gain as a remedy, the mission example of addressing human society problems in God’s kind concerns.


Spiritual Growth and Sustainability

                             [ Now those who had been scattered by the persecution with Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, telling the message only to Jews. Some of them, however, men from Cyprus and Cyrene, went to Antioch and began to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus. The Lord’s hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord. News of this reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord. Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. During this time some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them, named Agabus, stood up and through the Spirit predicted that a severe famine would spread over the entire Roman world. (This happened during the reign of Claudius.) The disciples, each according to his ability, decided to provide help for the brothers living in Judea. This they did, sending their gift to the elders by Barnabas and Saul. ]
                                   <Acts 11:19-30>

                             The Church, Jesus said that he will build it on the rock, the foundation rock of salvation who is Christ himself as a corner stone, or the rock of firm foundation faith of Peter as just he had claimed that Jesus is Christ, or the rock not on the sand as Jesus told a story earlier of two foundations of a house, sand which is not strong and rock very reliance, or the rock of Apostles like Peter Jesus named from Simon and Peter means ‘rock’, strong in faith. However, Bibles explains that the Church is a body of Christ while the head is he, himself. The church is a spiritual home where all believers deal their heavenly life practice, the God’s household. The church, whether local or global, has main purpose is to witness Christ to the world by preparing self for Lord’s coming and to give constant glory to God ultimately. Jesus said that the gates of Hades will not overcome the church. ‘Ecclesia’ means ‘united believers in Christ’ is the Greek term used for church. There, all believers gather, pray, worship God/ have fellowship together. When that activity continues, the gates of Hades or Satan can not overcome them. So, the church is a spiritual fortress, which keeps from all harm or dangers of evil spirits. Jesus said that when two or three and more get together, he will be in midst and we pray with one heart will be heard. The church, where we pray without ceasing, is a fortification.
                             When we look for the history of church, we see the Jews church was started in Peter’s home, as a home meeting. It was formally known as the church of Jerusalem later. The very first church activity established from the upper room prayer fellowship on the day of Pentecost, the first time came Holy Spirit in church. The book of Acts chapter two and verses 42-47, we see the model of first church. We find five general functions of church there in the very beginning and those are; worship, fellowship, ministry/service, mission/evangelism, and discipleship. The church had regular activities according to each of these function. There used to be teaching the word of God, fellowship, Lord’s Supper, prayer, serving each other, giving, praising God, preaching good news, help or supporting each other, disciple by taking care of followers and meeting at each of the home. Believers shared the things what they owned to the needy people, shared money to them. They used to get in one mind together, serve God by praising and get favor of all people too. And people were added in believing Christ day by day that they grew in numerous over days. With the church activities, they were witnessing Lord by both their lives and word of God. They felt fear to God and performed miracles with the power of Holy Spirit. The church was strong, united for common good.
                             As time goes by, big persecution happens in Jerusalem church and as the believers scattered directions due to this, the gospel spread over the world that they took it with themselves, wherever they reached. Apostle Stephen was martyred for sake of gospel. Saul was converted and Peter and other Apostles kept preaching. As a result, the gentiles accepted gospel while even Jews believers questioned to Peter, and he had to explain it that God has given the same gift of Holy Spirit to gentiles by their believing Christ, which he was also convinced himself by God’s instruction in vision. Now, some brothers out of scattered believers came to preach among Greeks in Antioch, quite a big commercial city. Jerusalem church sent Barnabas there and Barnabas took Paul there. A big number of believers added and people called them Christian for the first time there. The church of Antioch has also all general five functions, worship, fellowship, ministry, mission and discipleship. This church was self supporting autonomous church where all the Jews and Gentiles involved the work of the Lord. They even supported of offerings to the other churches. The power of Holy Spirit was working in this and the church was strong. Believers grew in faith, kept the faith being filled with the power of Spirit and people added more.
                             The purpose of church is to prepare own self that is to grow in faith spiritually and sustain in it. The church is build up of each individual believer not of a building rather. The more believers are strong, the church is strong then. Bible says church should be holy and without wrinkle. A church is bride waiting for groom, the Lord Jesus Christ. It needs a patience enough, perseverance and tolerance. God wants the churches would present themselves as a holy. Sin should not get any chance to enter the church so that the fruits of evil spirit would not be produced. The hatred, disease, hopeless, deception, corruption, vulnerability, discrimination, poverty which have filled the world, the socio-community in the name of religion, traditional laws, or politics whatever should not happen in the churches. The followers of Christ must be a safeguard for all these mishaps. In church, poor men would not remain poorer, hopeless men do not go frustrated. But the Christians would get better life, the abundant life in Christ’s grace as such. They would grow what they are and churches will sustain. Here, the idea is the universal churches then could reach the world with gospel as the commission of Jesus Christ to go to the people with taking gospel even till the end of the earth. How could we do this would be resolved when churches grows churches. How to grow the seed is God’s part itself. The church communities goes better never get chance the evil things to spoil them and world more but prevents from getting worse. Jesus says what you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, what you loose will be loosen. So, the churches, the believers, we are authorized to bind the world keeping from corruption. Christians should pay more attention on it. Because, we the church have authority now.

                             The great commission of Lord Jesus Christ in the book of Matthew is ‘therefore go ye and make disciples to all the nations, baptizing them in the name of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey what I have commanded you.’ How to live a daily behavior as a believer or a Christian is other great important and that is what Bible has taught details explicitly. God works through the good mannered Christians. Jesus said ‘you are the salt of the earth’ so as we ought to be tasteful and useful to the world. We obviously then go the every nation with taking the gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. The church is responsible for these. There, it is said that to teach them to obey not to teach, and to teach them obey, we need to show obeyed ourselves. The universal church has many differences we see today, whether it is for denominations, or doctrine, or different background or location; ever since it’s been second millennium now. Some are stereotyped with traditional impacts, some been flexible in conservatives, some sprang up really faster. But all and each of the saints as Bible says when we talk about universal church are accountable for word of gospel. Saints, the believers representing children of God, are little Christ, has been said. Christ went to the world cheerfully, even up to the cross. Each of the local churches plays the role for word of gospel, the commission. To play the effective and efficient role, it should be self-standing churches. Now, to be self standing, there are many things come about. The church should then be financially or economically, spiritually, socially self reliant.
                             Regarding, a firm church, should once we look back to the Acts 11: passage/ verses. In the church of Antioch, the Barnabas encouraged the local believers to keep in faith with all heart. That means they shall grow and sustain spiritually. The grown and strong church later could be able to sent charity of offerings to the churches in Judea. The Antioch church is been gone to the brothers there with cheerful heart, in the time of famine, where people starved. Later on, we find the Judean churches grown better when we see the prophet Agabus came back home there and continued prophecy. The branch or sister churches supporting mother churches; without growing and sustaining better, it was not possible. Moreover, this church sent then missionaries to the Asian countries till European countries too. They were (churches) more accountable for God’s mission to care all nations, socio-communities as Jesus showed the way of approaching them. This church produced the leadership of Paul who is an Apostle, did great job for church growth as well. He said, became like Jews, Greek, Pharisee according to situation demanded and used to run tent maker business once upon a time. He did all for good purpose, for the good news. John Mark including other leaders brought up in the same church. Antioch, the Gentile church where disciples have been called Christian for the first time by world community and that was very okay by calling name Christ with Jesus’ followers. Christian had been called there than the former church of Jerusalem though. That way, we find as a whole that a church is responsible for churches. How they grow strong and healthy church, around the world spiritually is building up the kingdom of God.
                             We saw church is a God’s household. There, the Holy Spirit fills, bestows the gifts and produces the fruits. There is peace, joy, happiness, hope, unity, love or all goodness. The church of Lord is powerful, the body of Christ, led by him. If the church is full of blessings, then how about other community people who are suffering in their lives, when we look around the world where we live in. Now, that is the very challenging question for us today. Christianity is not a religion but a relation with God through faith and love. Jesus is the mediator here between God and us for this relation. Lord Jesus Christ taught great commandments only two; first, to love God with all our heart, mind, and strength, the second, is to love our neighbors as ourselves. The neighbors are also in God’s image, to which he concerns so much, we would not ignore that. They reflect the God’s appearance somehow and yet it is hard to show love to them sometimes. But the God’s love won’t fulfill until and unless we do that as the triangulate relation among. Jesus approached the all community people no doubt we already described enough. The prophet Ezekiel explains about our accountability to warn the human community in world with the word of God. He has pointed out Christians should be guilty on not a people hearing the gospel. The thing is how to present the gospel might arise. Apostle Paul say in II Corinthians that we, Christians are a open will letter written by the Spirit of God, all people will read us how we behave or live. If we say but do not treat likewise, then it is vain. Peter said, we are royal priesthood, the priest usually is culprit if does not intercede for other people at all. Jesus prayed for those even who were crucifying him. In this regard, we church, the sainthood are responsible for the lost community people who are in needs of life in Christ, the better and abundant life.
                             There are pathetic groups of people with misery, poverty, disability, or civic inertia widespread all over the world. Christians, in the sense of universal church are accountable to seeing them in God’s concern. The human socio-communities are worse in midst of good things around world as we have discussed details earlier chapters. Who initiate for them, their spiritual life, their health and betterness. If world does not interest upon this world then we heavenly representatives should think earnestly. One thing important is now, the church should be also healthy, gifted and strong, or an autonomous. It should be resourceful that could deliver ministry further, so that it may reach others or may help someone reach them. To become resourceful, it should be grown and sustainable spiritually that gifts of the Spirit fills it’s resources to be used for the mission works as well as meeting the human needs. Economically sustainable church can support for those things. Many Christians have been doing this from the history back and it is not to describe new thing here but more to explain its importance and appropriateness that Christian people would involve the community development activities more as social services. It is Biblically sound, spiritually obedient and socially accepted ministry. This ministry, though challenging, is a witness showing the treat not only saying the word of gospel. To help the helpless, the worldly law also does not say unjust. Someone goes to vulnerable groups with charity, welfare, some facilitation on behalf of God’s love and Jesus’ modality; they certainly regard the praise to God, reading us, his mercy and grace. It is God’s work done according to his will, we his children are accountable for that abiding in him.


Partnership in the Work of God

                             [ My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? Are they not the noble name of him to whom you belong? If you really keep the royal law found in scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as law-breakers. For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. For he who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a law breaker. Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!
                   What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed.” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds. And I will show you my faith by what I do. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the alter? You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone. In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.                                            
                                        <James 2: 1-26>

                             Here, the extraction given above from the book of James, the whole chapter itself speaks enough explanatorily. The main theme to sum up the passage is being careful about partiality. We should not neglect the poor, rather love them. Also, we should be careful about behaving as like as what we say. We need to act like we say. The action makes viable to faith. Demons also believe that there is only God, and fear him but do not act accordingly. So, as the body is dead without the spirit likewise faith is dead without deeds, the works accordingly.

                             God is supreme commander with dull authority in heaven and earth. He does according to his own will, whatever works; with his power of mighty hand he created all creation with, for his glory. His way of his working in the world is different than people normally think. In book of Isaiah, he said that his thought is not of like people, his way of working is also not of like ours but they are different. And nothing can stop him working of his own. He does not rest or stop working so that the creation continues moving. So, He wants to use each of them in his ministry, for works are his. He says, ‘whatever work or responsibility you have, do it with your full strength.’ It is one of his commands. From the beginning, God gave different commands, instructions, guidance, laws, warning, prophecy, promises, to mankind in different times and situations. That is because he wants people to take part in his works, and that is not secret too. When we see how the world is moving, and God holds control of them, through many people chose not to stay in it, he takes assistance of every possibility by mankind, amazing. He uses the people, their conscience, wisdom, knowledge, strength, and skills, which are awesome. Rulers, judges, securities, scholar, ethics, militants, authorities, guardians, teachers, intellectuals, businessman, all are, he placed. He uses them as per time requirements. Somehow, they take hold of controls upon other people.
                             We Christians, the followers of Jesus Christ, responsible for other people in world, should be more accountable for the works of God’s commandments. The letter of Colossians, it says there, ‘you say or do whatever but do it in the name of Lord Jesus by giving thanks to God.’ Breaking his command brought the sin and he does not want us sinning more again. Then, to keep his commands is taking a pert in his works. God gave Ten Commandments, where the first five commands, not other gods than him, do not worship them, do not take the name of Lord the God in vain, observe the Sabbath day, and respect your father and mother, are regarded the relation of ours to God; and next five commands, do not murder, do not adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, and do not covet your neighbors, are regarded the relation of ours to other people. In the same way, the great commandments that Jesus gave were first part, ‘love your God with all your heart, mind and strength’, regarded our relation to God, and next part, ‘love your neighbors as yourself’ is regarded our relation to other people as well. Jesus’ great commission is to go all nations in the world with taking the gospel, make the disciples, baptizing them in the name of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey the word of God. He promised of another, counselor, the Holy Spirit and said to wait until the Spirit comes then gave power to witness to the end of the earth, that is being fulfilled. In the book of Revelation, Jesus says, ‘be faithful till the death and I will give the crown of life.’ He also said that he will come soon again. Now, all these commands of the Lord are to work out for us, to work them in faith. We involve the works of God’s ministry is a partnership with him.
                             God said, ‘you are my colleagues’, and the colleagues involve his goal, purposes, or concerns. God concerns all kinds of community people, to whom we show brotherhood, would fulfill his purposes. We do keep belief upon God and his existence, power and work accordingly that is assistance in works of him. We may say but do not behave alike the say, say to a poor be well but do not help how to be well, then it is vain. When we do something to the poor and vulnerable in community development facilitation, will please God, may fulfill his commands of love and concern; Jesus, his Son’s modality of mission, be accountable, sainthood, and some change in world could be brought out of better ness. Lord Jesus Christ promised another counselor to come, the Holy Spirit, and to give his testimony or to remind and tell about good news. After he commissioned the disciples with authority and his death and resurrection, he appeared for forty days in different times and places to the people. In his ascension, then he commanded disciples to wait until the Holy Spirit come, be filled with the power of and be witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Disciples literally obeyed this command and receive the filling with power of the Spirit in upper room; they were waiting by preying for. Many people came to believe, and the church grew more in numbers as well as in Spirit. They preached the good news to Judea and Samaria a far from Jerusalem. And after the persecution, disciples scattered around the world, Asia, Europe, India, Arabia, Africa, or gradually elsewhere. That is how God fulfilled his promise there when believers, the Christians obeyed him as the Father God. We are his children that Holy Spirit tells us, and while we are his children, so we are inheritance and inheritance partnership with Christ his Son. Peter said to abide in virtue, knowledge, self-control, patience, devotion, brotherhood, love to the others. He concludes here with brotherhood and love and it is great thing to work as ministry of God with brotherhood and love. But this love is not the kind of love to the world with self desires and brag of own but the love of God.

                             God, not only use every creation for his work of glory, or use people in his ministry, but he equips with required appliances what we need for. In letter of Ephesians, he mentions the Spiritual armors, he has given us to use them that are; the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of word of God, all are received from the Spirit of God to be safe and strong; and these are for his works. In letter of Corinthians, the nine Spiritual Gifts are mentioned, that is; wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning spirits, speaking other tongues, and interpret the tongues. These are also supplies from God through his Spirit for common good. Down there are also mentioned other ministry gifts like apostles, prophets, teachers, miracle signs, healing, helping others, administrators, other tongues, listed down   for the people with, all these are gifts of Spirit to do the ministry. In the letter of Ephesians, there are also mentioned the different gifts of ministry and that are; apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. These are given us so that we would be equipped with these to serve and build the body of Christ, the church. All the sainthood have different gifts individually and all use for common good, for mutual interest. The local churches filled with blessing of the spiritual gifts and became interdependency is an example for any community development issues. It is a partnership in God’s evangelism by showing generous, unity, practical, faithfulness, as well as growing better together. The gifts then need to be used for that purpose necessarily.
                             In the letter of Galatians, there are mentioned the fruits of the Holy Spirit and that are; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humble, perseverance, and it is said that there is no law against them. We should walk according to Spirit which produces the fruits in us. But the fruits of sinful natures are adultery, unholy ness, indulgence, idols, witchdoctor, enmity, quarrel, drunkard ness, jealous, anger, selfishness, division, groupism, and envy. And God warned people that one can not be in his kingdom having such a sinful nature. God is light, the light of the truth. The great things are faith, hope, and love.  Now, these all spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible are for the purpose of God. They assist the works of God not work themselves only. They are for one common good, which is to serve the Lord in unity out of differences. One Lord, one Spirit, one hope, faith or one baptism, but the services are different. Some speaks good news from the word of God and some claims it by showing the good works or manners of goof news. Some encourages people and some helps by own hand. But all are equally good and for only purpose of God, serving the Lord and his ministry as responsible colleagues. As the body is one but parts are many, the church, each gifts wise part is equally important. One part can not say, ‘I don’t need you any more’, because their body essence and purpose is the same. And they, all parts or gifts or services then are bound each other together. So then, the ministry of God is bound services each and other. Thus, the work of the God is a partnership.
                             As earlier said, God works with his power, but uses his people in different ways. He equips them with full of gifts, guidance for his purpose of kingdom in the world. He wants to go people of the world not with negligence, hatred or separation but with kindness, help, and oneness of love. Now, we have God’s word, his commandments, commissions, faith, power of Holy Spirit, our own testimonies, the inheritance, responsibilities, love of Christ, all kinds of gifts, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and guidance of the Lord through his Spirit. Jesus said that he is the light of the world, good shepherd, vine of the branches, bread of life, resurrection and life, door of the sheep, and the way, truth, and the life for the world. He is the way that we should walk and show others to walk a like. He served God among worldly people as a servant of God. He had all he needed for doing this, full of power, authority, responsibility and other supplies of blessings. So, the servant hood of God is an important partnership in his works of ministry. To serve people out of love, compassion, and humanity acquaints God’s concerns towards the human communities.

                             Let us simply mean of the term ‘Stewardship’ that is managing good of resources. In the church, according to the book of Acts, there were chosen deacons to manage all materials, offerings, or all resources. They had to share the things without partiality. They distributed money or food or other materials to needy people equally well. They were accountable for Apostles, Church people and God of course. They had to manage them very well so that nobody could point finger. They had to be careful of any loss or damage or scarcity. They recorded the wealth that believers offered to the house of God. If they would have done some mistakes, they should have reimbursed or pay the price back. So, they had to be honest for managing them.
                             We all are the stewards in some way or the other. Because, we knew that God has bestowed us with various spiritual gifts, fruits, and resources. As a responsible servant of the Lord, we need to manage them well, and that is a partnership to his work. But the thing here is we are responsible, accountable, and honest manager of them. We are responsible for God’s commandments, and commissions, accountable for spiritual gifts, and honesty for obeying or using them well at all. People must honor the gifts of Christ according to the will of God and to using them in his kingdom. Bible says that who has entrusted possessions of blessed gifts, will be given him more abundantly, but he/ she who does not have these, will be taken from him/ her even what he/ she has. So, as a servant of the Lord, we must be honest with what he has given us the talents. We serve him with what we have and more he gives us. The gifts of the helping poor and disables in the communities around is important whether it is help of food, other materials, facilitation or helping by making the aware of vulnerabilities. We honor the people as honoring what they have already out of God’s creativity. Without honor and stewardship of God’s resourcefulness, we even would not be succeeding to present good news. If something we do that does not present the good news is useless. So, we take care of these matters in our works as the great ministry of God.
                             God condemns sinful respect for the rich, and despising the poor. Mercy should be followed, as well as justice. He exposes the error and folly of those who boast of faith without works. The good deeds sound of partaking God’s work, not only faith that any even demon believes the God is there. Faith should be demonstrated in how we think, act, treat or deal the people who are in some needs as Jesus dealt them according to Father’s concern in love.         


Witness thru Community Development

                             [ Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
                   “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.”
                   “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can not be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand. And it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” ]                    <Matthew 5:1-16>

                             Jesus stood upon the mountain and began to teach the disciples. This teaching of him is known as what we call the sermon of mount. Sometimes, it is been entitled as the sermon of beatitudes. Whatever it is, but a practical discourse, long and full enough, which proposes blessedness as the each end. Jesus directs his disciples here to understand what they are, the salt of the earth, and the light of the world. We see here that the gospel can be preached anywhere, anytime, or ways. Jesus there opened his mouth or spoke while he taught much without opening his mouth but by his exemplary life.
                             Those, who are poor in spirit, contentedly given them the kingdom of heaven for their humble, mild and yielding souls. Those who mourn are blessed with comfort for their sorrow of repentance because who go mourning, there will be a joy, the result of sowing in tears. Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth, because of their humility, silent soul, and undisturbed manner, so are fit to live. Those who are hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed with the contentment for their longing for change. Merciful are blessed with mercy for they show pity, kind, affliction or sympathy upon weak brothers and sisters. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God because of their sane and unselfishness. The peacemakers are blessed by being called the sons of God for their conducts that bring peace and unity. Those who are persecuted for their righteousness, they are blessed for their suffering for doing good and just. They are rewarded in the kingdom of God. They all are happy and blessed. Jesus has authority to command the blessings in his kingdom, even life forevermore.
                             ‘You are the Salt of earth’, said Jesus. We see some important points on this say. When we go to people, they must feel some taste of us, a better flavor. Salt is a catalyst substance that brings some reaction for change remaining itself unchanged. We work for gospel and to bring change in world by say and do. Likewise, the salt cleanses the other substances and preserves their good by reacting them. We penetrate the community people and preserve their life in gospel of all good. But if we, the Christians lose the saltiness by meaning the attitudes or behavior of gospel, it is useless, no longer good for anything. The salt dissolves with any kind of substances but brings some change flavor without being changed itself. ‘You are the light of the world’, said Jesus again. The light must be set up and shine as lights. The light should not be hidden, but given lights to others as well. We, Christians should live exemplary lives shining ourselves with our good deeds and ever the good works can not be hidden but it gives ways others to follow and all people of the world will see it. The city on a hill can not be hidden but can be seen, observed, and known clearly. The good behaviors of love, brotherhood, helping, can be seen and appreciated. The good works of gospel could be enjoyed and imitated. The salt would go the substances a great way, and work invisibly and irresistibly as leaven. What a useful the light and salt for life in the world, though people naturally do not care aware on them much. They are humble, effective, and efficient as a symbolic meaning for us to perform lives for goodness reflecting the gospel. We need to be useful as good deeds much as we have faith of own in the Lord. The world may see those and praise our Father God in heaven.
                             Till Now, we have talked previous chapters much about God’s special concern to the people, around different community groups. We talked about Jesus Christ; the Son of God is well experienced of each human individual’s problems that made them to suffer. We also discussed about how human world has been developed but ever lacked something. Jesus put always his focus on those who are in felt needs, poor, disabled, vulnerable, weak, and mostly they accepted his kingdom. Now, the Church, all Christians are responsible for taking part of the Lord’s work by means of partnership in God’s work as whatever amount is possible as some good activities according to our faith and trust in him for his kingdom’s glory. They should propagate the end vision of this among the worldviews today. In this background, let us now talk about Community Development Works. These days of such age where the church revivals and growths are also talked a lot. Several times, the questions also used to be raised by some churches about appropriateness and importance of the Christians involved in community development activities as a social welfare services among the worldly people by meaning may be of engaging the work together. The churches today do not understand this, sometimes bring few arguments. But, if we go to the world for the purpose of gospel, the Community Development Works is one of the appropriate, important, will of Lord, and Biblically sound way that is showing and saying by doing something.

                             “Community, in the social science, is a group of people who share similar beliefs, values, and customs and who may live in the same area.”
-  World Book Encyclopedia.
                             “Development; is an infinite process of positive and sustainable changes towards the betterment of life.”
Author’s Word.
                   “Community Development; is a process designed to create conditions of economic and social progress for whole of the community with its active participation and fullest possible reliance on community initiatives.”
-         United Nations.
                   Human Development; is a specific conceptual and strategic mode of reviewing human being and reformulating the development problematic.”
-         A note.
                   We see upon these statements that development is an ongoing process of something change and improvement towards betterment of someone’s life, in a positive and sustainable way. It is a way from underdevelopment. It should be achievable, desirable, and attainable doing good works for better results, and improvement in the standard of living. Someone said that the development is to utilize natural resources without compromising supply for the future generations. It should be thus the sustainable. Development is a process of positive change and impact from a condition to the next for a certain purpose. So, the development is for release people from hunger, diseases, illiteracy, and civic-inertia while its initiated process of change to education, livelihood, self-governance, and health over the times.                
                             And also it is said that community development is a process of organized initiations of cooperation and coordination which begins with identifying a problem and doing something about it. Community development is a program implementation in the people’s participation as their thinking or desire. It is a social, economical, and cultural transformation improved by some facilitation.                      
                             The development concept began after World War II, by means of reconstruction and rehabilitation of collapsed and destroyed cities of nations in the world around. So, people raised funds and donated for the work of some relief of disable, helpless, and poor that time. Even then, the development concept is being developed as time goes by. We can see a sketch for those historical steps below:
           Decades 1950 - Fund Raising
                          1960- Technology Transfer
                          1970- Green revolution, Integrated Development  
                 1980- Participation, Empowerment
                 1990- Sustainability, Gender
                 2000- Poverty Alleviation
                             Ever since the development concept started in the world, each decade has been known as a different trend. After the first decade of fund raising and donating the poor countries for reconstructions, underlying infrastructures, and recoveries, new machines, labs, instruments were supplied. But it was felt that the technologies are not enough itself for development but needed to upgrade the agricultural production. The 1970s was then the step of agricultural movement which has been called Green Revolution. All industries and economic development depend on a country’s agriculture. So, promoting the agriculture systems, there the concept of integrating development programs came out. The development can not go with only one or two sector but it is interrelated of all aspects as per a holistic development. The 1980s emphasized a new concept of participation and empowerment. The fund, technology, agriculture promoting, and integrating programs only are not enough but people have to be involved in the development stages and they have to be empowered for that. Then, 1990s came up with gender issues while talking about empowerment and participation. This decade was really challenging for sustainability, once to perform some activities may be good, is not enough but the program activities must last longer and even the development is on going process and so it should go lasting. The recent decade of 2000s has got big challenge for poverty alleviation. The hunger, disease, illiteracy, unawareness are rooted problems due to the poverty that is needed to alleviate for ultimate human development today.
                             There are different areas of development when we say it like structural/ physical, economical, social, cultural, agricultural, educational, health, commercial, or industrial developments but the central subject is human development. The human development is enhancing and of the human capabilities. Either reduction or lack of capabilities the poverty is the main agenda of the human development issues. Human development index is measured mainly by an individual rate of life expectancy, educational attainment and adjusted income. Other measurement would be infant mortality rate, under 5 mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, life expectancy at birth, adult literacy rate, absolute poverty level and etc… The world health organization (WHO) has defined the health as physical, mental, social health as well as spiritual health also added there recently. Now, it comes to be important that whatever development we talk about, ultimate subject is the human development. Human community is un evitable address for the development issues at least in the sense of whatever development works we do that is for only human being in the world. The development activities may be preceded differently in accordance of locale or situations. There are some things used to be seen which verify that if one community people are on development or not. Basically, the development indicators are categorized as bellow;

Personal/ individual development:
Nutrition, Literacy, Health, Social awareness, Skills, Expression of opinions, Socio-economic status, Group/class/community participation etc…
Collective development:
Group solidarity, Performance level, No of decision makers/ leaders, Implementing rule regulations, Participation, Power of public decision making system etc…
Structural transformation:
Institutions, Public decision making level, Accessibility, Discrimination, Class organization, Opportunities, Distribution patterns of socio-economic system etc..
Cultural transformation:
Expression of prejudice, Discrimination, Customs and taboos, Public adherence to belief, Values prescribing equalities in society, Superstition practices etc…
Ecological development:
Access to natural resources, Pollution reduction, Preservation of resources, Balance integration, Productivity of natural resources etc…                  
                   Now, the development issue has been an all rounder subject matter in each faculty of the world today since it is related to human accessibility to natural resources. Recently, the world development communities have set up the common goal named Millennium Development Goal – 2015 (MDG). Main 8 objectives are subjected to;- Eradication of poverty and hunger, Primary education, Gender equity, Child mortality reduction, Maternal health improvement, Environment sustainability, Combat with diseases like HIV AIDS, Malaria, Global partnership and development etc…
                   The development even is defined differently in situations of today. It is not development to donate funds, aid, or relief or impose the new technologies or play the total role from outsiders or physical structures or material supplies or consumption of resources or anything likewise else today. But still the poverty is main challenge for development. This age does not remain saying the poverty is a curse of previous birth. The poverty is because of thinking. Some said that the poverty brings sorrow but yet there is no guarantee that the wealth only can bring happiness. There are two; absolute poverty and relative poverty. Economic growth as well as social and human development may reduce them. If someone thinks always of poor, remains poor. It needs to be changed from thinking and come out of that. The development is of thoughts, the inner matter to outside not priority the physical or outer things. It should start from what people’s thought is about and change or transformation into new thought for the process of betterment. The betterment life mattered people’s knowledge, skill, and attitudes (KSA). The change in these compulsorily verifies the development. One should be aware, empowered, and motivated from inside heart, mind, will, and thoughts that he/ she should involve in this. Self will is important in development. Otherwise, one will remain unaware to felt needs or its identification. Once the knowledge means thoughts or understanding in heart and mind need to be changed, and skill should be excelled and both of them are needed demonstrated by attitudes practically in action.
                   Those who play the role of development have been called differently. Since, the development is not offered or imposed package from outsiders, their role is specifically of a facilitator, as a change agent for community development. Thus, the development practiceners have been called as an activator, or a mediator, or a catalyst, or an animator, or a motivator, or a counselor, or a promoter according to the condition as an agent of change. We work as a facilitator, and not imposing our thoughts, decisions, or implementation forcefully by ourselves. We hear people, learn from them and practice new things together that may bring something changes. We may motivate and empower them for new things and we do it by all strength. So, there would be some improvement or betterment than being dependency, passive or sloth. We should be working among people with inner values like love, commitment, accountability, modality, and all that. We should follow the modality of Lord Jesus Christ at all.

                   The development is a process not a fixed scale or a formula. So, it varies in different approaches according to certain goal and objectives in different conditions. It is been appeared new more approaches emerged day by day but let us see some of them mainly. When we look back to its history, the beginning was totally controlled by outsiders. Whatever the development agents used their thoughts, decisions, and skills and implemented the program activities alike. They planned themselves, did work and left that at once. The outsiders brought new surprising technologies, used for a while and just left like that there as transference. There were agricultural movements for its progress and promotion formulated and implemented by outsiders. But the community people were as like as to see what new things happen to come and go. They did not get much involvement in there. Not only this, but also the decisions on planning were made by outsiders themselves in the base of some statistics may not be enough information of local level. The top people were prime role. And this was not found effective and reproductive as well. This was called top to bottom approach.
                   Then it was realized that providing all things and planning by outsiders decision could not address the real needs effectively but there needed to be involved by community people in grass root level for decision making. The concept of participation came and bottom-up approach widely been applied. The target groups have to be involved in each stage of project cycle like need identification through planning, implementing, evaluating and to the re planning. There, the main role played and programs are determined by the bottom level community. Moreover, it has been said that the empowerment is very important in this process. Community people should be empowered to activate and take up the changes. The poor and vulnerable are needed to be initiative themselves for betterment. Development workers facilitate their involvement and may make aware about even what they did not know about changes. When the targeted people involve coming forward, the development activities, then it will go longer effective and sustainable way.
                   There was a concept developed of integrating the programs for a community development. It was thought even from the period of green revolution, the agricultural development. It is been called Integrated Community Development Approach. It is not enough to promote or progress of only or few sector but a whole. An individual should be healthy, literate, autonomous, employed or self-reliant, self-contented as a whole. So, the community should come up with holistic improvement. We can see an integrated community development chart as below;                                                                     
                   Because of the problems are interlinked each other of all sectors likewise health, justice, social, values, economy, literacy, agriculture, physical etc but the root problem is poverty whether it in physical, economical, or mental. If only the physical problem had been addressed, there still remain the problems of traditional, agricultural, or justice that causes the poverty. So, the development activities should go in a holistic way at least co operating the partnership among the other programs.
                   There have been different methodologies innovated and implied as by a social workers’ exploration and experimentations, in community development practices. The Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is a wide spread procedures over this field. This is a methodology of various methods, that this concept was come in 1980s and rapid implementing from 1990s throughout the Asia, Europe, and western countries. In the beginning, it was used for agricultural researches and then surveys or evaluations. Today, it has been used in almost everywhere and each stages of development procedures.
                   “PRA is a governing family of approaches and methods to enable local people to share, enhance and analyze their knowledge of life and condition and to plan, act, monitor and evaluate.”         - Robert Chamber  (1994) (Father of PRA)
                   It is wide methodology of various different tools and techniques. They are like listed below;
          Mapping: Social map, Resource map, Transect walk,
        Mobility map
Ranking: Preference pair wise, Preference direct matrix scoring, Well being ranking
Diagrammatic: Venn diagram, Flow diagram, Pie diagram, Time trend
Calendar: Seasonal calendar, Gender calendar, Income & expenditure, Time line
Analytical: Logical framework, System analysis, Problem tree
Other: Semi-structured interview (SSI), Focus group discussion (FGD), Direct observation

                   Since it is not a formula, but could be flexible adding the ways and tools according to time convenience and necessity. It is learning by doing, participatory, creative, progressive, and on the spot analysis. It is very useful for community screening, program planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating.
                                      Next more concepts of development approaches are Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and Generative Themes. Before, the development was only a problem solving process but it goes an appreciative way today. The problem solving process was forwarded with each stage of problem identification, analysis, possible solutions, action plan, and implementing as a remedy of problems. But the appreciative inquiry always talks in a positive way, think positive, do positive, and achieve positive.
                             Here, one discovers the good aspects, envisions the future, refines and delivers it in the practice. Again, there would be identified new things to dream more and deliver the implementation of it on going process.
                             The generative theme is actually a problem searching a screening method. If we identify the real problems then can be assessed the felt needs accurately. Then only we can be able to address the problems correctly by means of actual achievement. It says to listen more often than explain the situation. So, this is more about listening the situation and codifying the problems. The initiation would be focused on the areas of basic needs in life. Maslow’s ladder of human needs is a base for the themes. The Ladder of Five Basic Human Needs is;
Personal growth  5   Self-respect  4    Love and belongings  3
Safety and security  2   Physical needs    1               
                             Generally we talk about the 4 things for personal development; Health, Money, Relation, and Career are also based on the Maslow’s theory of the Ladder. In generative theme, each problem of an individual or community is seen and analyzed from 3 different aspects, they are;
-         Basic needs and economy
-         Community decisions
-         Social values and beliefs
                                    The lately developed development approach called ‘Process Approach’ is verses of Provision Approach. Before, the concept was providing the packages and relief once and leave for may be all. But this approach believes that a person should be empowered first and then only can be developed other aspects like structures. The personal development importantly is possible from community groups. It is processes of empowering the marginalized people by making them realize their both individual and group skill and capacity identify and analyze their condition, resources to get rid of vulnerability. It is also called a participatory social change process or empowerment process. This concept is developed with empowerment concept in 1980s.
                             It is a little long process of facilitation more towards accessibility of resources than providing things own self but it seems sustainability. The times would take on forming the groups and promoting then codifying the needs with them and planning forward. So, it is a community group based approach.                                   Let us look upon community group based development approach at a glance. It is quite vast and widespread approach over the world. If we look down to the communities, we find some touch of being involved in some groups. It is been talked about whether primary groups or secondary, forest group, women group, farmers group, consumers group, literacy group, saving and credit group, micro-credit group, dairy group, vegetables group, and so on. It is wonderful approach really to go through grass root level based community primary groups and achieves something among and with them. It would take time to promote the groups and bring the ownership level to hand over the process further. When we say about the Group Action Process that is a community group based access to the resources, there has been formulated several stages for it to go through. It is so quite long term process of some 5 years’ period in average;
-Social analysis & problem identification
- Group formation and Problem identification
- Action plan and implementation
- Strengthening and support groups
                             The first stage is about rapport building and establishing trust, identifying target groups and actual interest of them through surveys or screening process. Second stage is about forming the primary groups, developing their skills and capacity building on problem analysis. Third stage is about determining the goal, objectives and strategies, preparing action plans and implementing them and evaluating do define new goals. Lastly the fourth stage is about developing their leadership, supporting consultation, coordinating and handing over the community institution. In first stage, outsiders’ role will be in maximum and in fourth stage; there will be the maximum role of community groups themselves. In the second and third stages, there will be 50/ 50 kind of role for both of them. Meanwhile, there can be implemented integrating program activities with the group’s decision and action plan. Basically the ideal primary group size will be of 20m members in average. The primary groups forward the institutional functions themselves coming up with leadership and management skill or other organized capacities. Finally, upgrading of them, would be established as any of cooperatives, federation, local NGO, or financial institution non-government organization (FINGO) or as any local institution as we call it.

                             Since the development work is a facilitating role but in partnership with community people, they should be mobilized as much as possible. Without their mobilization, there could not be participation and not effective participation. The work done only by outsiders will be mere a momentum. Moreover, it is not all possible to do program activities by themselves. If someone may try to do by self but that will not be sustainable. The external activators and internal activators both can bring forth the community mobilization together, what we then say it is social mobilization. With the balance practice of both of them, the community mobilization may bring accessibility to resources by generating new technologies and methods in a sustainable manner.
                             Social mobilization is community development is as important as its sustainability for the community’s ownership, empowerment, participation, effectiveness, and efficiency as well. People involved in each stage of program activities would feel ownership to even what has been changed. It is then not possibility to reach achievements of ultimate goal. There is listed the social mobilization process for community development with a model chart as follows;
1.    Understanding about development concept
2.    Problem identification and prioritization
3.    Beginning of institutional development
4.    Group formation and mobilization
5.    Action plan
6.    People’s participation
7.    Social and cultural changes
8.    Development of physical structures.

                   Empowerment is a process to facilitate on making
activated to inherited but hidden capacity in people. The people’s participation is their active involvement in works each stage from the need identification to benefit sharing. Both are concerned with community people, more often used together in development process.
                   Development works, the facilitation is challenging to bring community people in empowerment and participation until and unless they would be motivated positively. So, motivation generally is the stimulation of any emotion or desire operating upon one’s will or promoting or driving to an action. However, the accomplishment of development activities, people should be empowered and participated to the community mobilization.

                             The development today is also combined with sustainability. This concept is to think about future generations like there would not be affected in their needs fulfillment while we fulfill our needs today. The main pillars of development are economic, social, physical, while the foundation is cultural and traditional development and the roof top is human development. In other words, there are three rings of one circle in development that are economic, social, and environmental. Talking sustainability with this again, it can be illustrated in picture below;
                   Here, the amount of resources and capacity of     earth were big though limited while consumption of resources was very less in first underdevelopment condition. But later on, in the developed condition, the consumption of resources became a large scale and resources were remaining very less as well as the earth capacity also has gone down. So, in sustainable development, we think about preserving the resources for the future generations. We utilize them but not harming the future likewise of oxygen, plants, animals, soil, water, or environments etc…
                             The planning should be regarded about the lasting of program activities that how they could continue further on going or how can they institutionalize as a development system, or how could be recourses efficiency for way to the future as well. It can be altruism for momentum, but should we not think about tomorrows, will not be a development as such. The goal should be clearly foreseen.

                             It has been said that well plan is more than half done. The plan is designed scheme itself to act upon for the achievement of certain goal and purposes. Plan is likewise all works had been accomplished but mentally. Planning is still initial stage of any program scheme or project program but designed for all once end. Plan speaks itself that what is the project about. A project planning starts with defining the goal and objectives, review the existing stage, select appropriate interventions, implementation of interventions, monitoring by regular checking and reviewing the present stage so on, it goes on in a cyclic order;
-                          The planning is categorized differently according to its appropriateness. According to period of it has been called;
-         Short-term plan
-         Mid-term plan
-         Long-term plan
                   The action plan and event plans are short-term, periodic plans are mid-term and agriculture or prospective plan and master plans are long-term. A plan can be of an individual or personal while it also can be of a family or a community or a nation or a regional or global. It can be of certain sector like agricultural, educational, financial, health, or environmental. Some plan has been called participatory strategic planning which could be either short or mid or long-term plan. The plan also is categorized by its natures as below;
-         Strategic plan
-         Comprehensive/ Integrated plan
-         Sectoral plan: Forestry, Agri., DWS etc
                   Plan, whatever kind should be well defined sketch till following its practices, implementing and production of result as input, process and output. After the monitoring and evaluation, it can be reviewed and re planned further. Monitoring is done frequently in daily or weekly basis checking and following up but evaluation is done term wise or finally at once. The program evaluation also can be done by setting its strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which we call SWOT analysis.
                   Now, we have discussed the small sketch of what has been called Community Development Works. Nothing wrong we see there, the Christian people involved in the work but it is a Witness of doing good works to show and say the message of good news practically in action. We have verified the love of Lord our God. The work we do would prove or justify the Jesus’ modality to serve people in God’s concern to humankind. It is their life impact matters which we demonstrate testimony by doing besides the preaching the good news. It is a great opportunity to work for something good with our inner values spiritually abiding in God. Jesus Christ is the only Savior Lord. The commitment, integrity, accountability and all are strength from him. It is a good deed for witness as we walk by faith.


God’s Glory in His Kingdom

                        [ This, then, is how you should pray:
“Our Father in heaven,
   hallowed be your name,
            your kingdom come,
            your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
            Give us today our daily bread.
            Forgive us our debts,
             as we also have forgiven our debtors.
            And lead us not into temptation,
             but deliver us from the evil one.
            For yours is the kingdom, and the power,
             and the glory forever. Amen. ]
                         <Matthew 6:9-13>

                             Jesus taught disciples how to pray and gave this beautiful prayer words. He instructs saying, ‘this, then, is how you should pray.’ The prayer directs heavenly kingdom by calling ‘Father’ in the beginning and closing with ‘Amen’ while the date of prayer is ‘Today’. Every prayer should be offered to God, the Father. We should not hesitate to call Father and yield our weaknesses. His name then should be praised of his perfection, and glorified by heart and mouth, for his majesty. The longing for his kingdom, comes at hand. His will should be done not ours or anybody else on earth but as it is in heaven. We ask our daily bread as each need for God is efficient for care of ours tomorrows. As God has a condition to forgive us if we forgive others, we should do that. We are in the world and should ask power to stay from all temptations. The reasons concluded here with is because the kingdom, the power, and the glory all are his and that is his for ever. ‘Amen’ is an assurance, so be it.
                             Whatever we do is in his kingdom, through his power, and it is for his glory. We saw that every parts of all creation shows and justifies his glory, power, kingdom, all sovereignty. Jesus came to this world and was glorified him by his servant hood ministry and even his death and life. He engaged services among the human society in God’s will. He involved the community development works by serving poor, needy, disable, so all neglected part by the world. But all is done for his kingdom’s glory. The followers of Christ are more responsible to work among the community people around the world as Jesus modality in God’s concern for his kingdom’s glory today.


Source References

1.    Bible – HOLY BIBLE: New International Version
2.    Bible – HOLY BIBLE:  Nepali Version  (NBS)
4.    Involved Training/ Workshop Notes:
-                  Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) by RDC
-                  Community Development, M&E, ToT by ICA
-                  Process Approach   by NCHDP/ INF
5.    Some Other Training/ Workshop Hand Notes

If you have any comments or Constructive Suggestions please;

Written By :  Ps. Nagendra K. Prem Rai   (B. Th., M. A.)

All rights reserved with author.   c 2011